We all take it for granted that we will feel safe. Even so, every day, people find themselves in a position where it is good to know that they are not on their own. There are many reasons why people may feel unsafe, such as dark alleys, unpleasant company or physical discomfort.
CQ-Alert is an easy-to-use app that you can put on your smartphone. The app helps in situations in which you feel unsafe or are panicking. Press one button in the app and the app will immediately request the help of your friends, relatives, healthcare professionals or an alarm-receiving centre. The app will also inform the recipient of the alert of your location.
Alerts triggered by CQ-Alert will be processed by CQ-Net Live and can be forwarded to neighbours, relatives, friends and/or professional service providers, such as healthcare organisations and alarm-receiving centres. Users of the app can easily check and change their own CQ-Net Live settings.
Alerts can be forwarded to any telephone, smartphone or tablet, using text messages (SMS) or push notifications. If you would like even more features, CQ-Mobile is the solution for you. This app will allow you to easily mark your availability for receiving alerts, check the location from which an alert was triggered, navigate, make a video call and open doors remotely.
If activating CQ-Alert in an emergency requires too many actions or is too noticeable, consider using the CQ-1 alert transmitter instead. This Bluetooth alert button can be worn as a pendant, wrist transmitter or on one’s key ring and can be activated with a single press on the button. The CQ-1 alert transmitter is waterproof, meaning clients can even wear it in the shower, so as to ensure safety in all circumstances.
In order to be able to use the aforementioned services, you will have to sign up for CQ-Net Live. If you are interested in our services and would like to receive some more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@eurocom-group.eu. We will be very happy to tell you what we can do for you!
For more information, consult www.eurocom-group.eu or log in to portal.cqnetlive.eu.